Loading Explosives
The KM200 can be configured to take either ANFO or emulsion modules on the rear deck. The ANFO pots can provide capacity from 250 to 2000 lbs. capacity, more than enough to load all development rounds. With a man-up basket on the front loader arms, this provides a compact yet capable configuration for loading the face. Emulsion kits can be accommodated up to 5000 lbs on the rear deck. An alternative configuration is a front mounted bin lifter paired with a scissor deck on the rear. Regardless of which configuration best fits your application, Kovatera can provide a small footprint explosives loader for your operation.
KM200 Manup Basket With Emulsion Deck
The KM200 can be equipped with a man up basket on the loader arms and an emulsion deck on the rear of the unit. The KM200 can accommodate emulsion decks up to 5000 lbs in total weight. An alternative configuration would be a bin lifter on the front of the unit and scissor deck on the rear.
KM200 Manup Basket with Anfo Deck
The KM200 can be equipped with a man up basket on the loader arms and an ANFO pot on the rear of the unit. The KM200 can accommodate pots with a capacity of 250, 500, 750 or 1000 lbs, and can come in single or double pot configurations.